Production Server


This guide explains how to set up a production server on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa). Other linux distributions should work just fine, but we don’t provide detailed instructions for them.

System requirements

  1. Upgrade alls:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
  2. Install system requirements:

    sudo apt -y install python3-venv python3-pip libpq-dev ffmpeg

Integreat Compass CMS Package

  1. Choose a location for your installation, e.g. /opt/integreat-compass/:

    sudo mkdir /opt/integreat-compass
    sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/integreat-compass
  2. Create config and log files and set more restrictive permissions:

    sudo touch /var/log/integreat-compass.log /etc/integreat-compass.ini
    sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/log/integreat-compass.log /etc/integreat-compass.ini
    sudo chmod 660 /var/log/integreat-compass.log /etc/integreat-compass.ini
  3. Change to a shell with the permissions of the webserver’s user www-data:

    sudo -u www-data bash
  4. Create a virtual environment:

    cd /opt/integreat-compass
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the integreat-compass cms inside the virtual environment:

    pip3 install integreat-compass
  6. Create a symlink to the file to facilitate the Apache configuration:

    ln -s $(python -c "from integreat-compass_cms.core import wsgi; print(wsgi.__file__)") .
  7. Set the initial configuration by adding the following to /etc/integreat-compass.ini (for a full list of all possible configuration values, have a look at

    SECRET_KEY = <your-secret-key>
    FCM_KEY = <your-firebase-key>
    BASE_URL =
    LOGFILE = /var/integreat-compass.log
  8. Leave the www-data shell:


Static Files

  1. Create root directories for all static files. It’s usually good practise to separate code and data, so e.g. create the directory /var/www/integreat-compass/ with the sub-directories static and media:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/integreat-compass/{static,media}
  2. Make the Apache user www-data owner of these directories:

    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/integreat-compass
  3. Add the static directories to the config in /etc/integreat-compass.ini:

    STATIC_ROOT = /var/www/integreat-compass/static
    MEDIA_ROOT = /var/www/integreat-compass/media
  4. Collect static files:

    cd /opt/integreat-compass
    sudo -u www-data bash
    source .venv/bin/activate
    integreat-compass-cli collectstatic


  1. Install an Apache2 server with mod_wsgi:

    sudo apt -y install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
  2. Enable the rewrite and wsgi:

    sudo a2enmod rewrite wsgi
  3. Setup a vhost for the integreat-compass by using our example config: and edit the your domain and the paths for static files.


  1. Install a PostgreSQL database on your system:

    sudo apt -y install postgresql
  2. Create a database user integreat-compass and set a password:

    sudo -u postgres createuser -P -d integreat-compass
  3. Create a database integreat-compass:

    sudo -u postgres createdb -O integreat-compass integreat-compass
  4. Add the database credentials to the config in /etc/integreat-compass.ini:

    DB_PASSWORD = <your-password>
  5. Execute initial migrations:

    cd /opt/integreat-compass
    sudo -u www-data bash
    source .venv/bin/activate
    integreat-compass-cli migrate

Email configuration

  1. Add your SMTP credentials to /etc/integreat-compass.ini (for the default values, see

    EMAIL_HOST = <your-smtp-server>
    EMAIL_HOST_USER = <your-username>
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = <your-password>